Sunday, December 16, 2012

Festival of Trees & Music and the Spoken Word

This has been a wonderful month.  For the past several years I have had the opportunity to volunteer in the Kids Korner at Festival of Trees.  I love it.  I have always been able to be in the area where I polish the nails.  It is so much fun.  This year I was able to go with my good friend Tammy Nielsen and it is so much more enjoyable to have someone go with you.  She and I were able to go and walk around and look at a couple of trees.  One of my particular favorites was the tree titled, Eternal Ties.  It was done in memory of the two missionaries that were killed in a bicycle accident in Texas.  It touched me so much and was hard to be able to even read the short tribute written in their honor.  I think it hits so close to home with having my own out their serving.  With every ounce of faith you send them and know they will return.  This time they did not and the moms put together this display with ties from all the missionaries serving in that mission.  This is such a place of tears, both happy and sad.  I love being able to give just a little bit for such a wonderful cause.  It is place that is very dear to my heart and I look forward to now having a friend with me.

Eternal Ties, my particular favorite.
Thank you again for going with me Tammy, this will be a fun tradition to do together from now on

Music and the Spoken Word is held every Sunday in the Tabernacle.  In December the CC is decorated for the holidays and they do a three day concert.  It is always amazing and tickets are quite the hot item.  It is hard to get one.  This year Wayne was responsible for the ward breakfast food, etc and I got a call offering me two tickets for Friday night.  With so much to do for the breakfast I didn't feel like I could enjoy the concert so I told her to go ahead and give them away.  On Saturday night our good friends the Bervens called to ask if I would like to go with them on Sunday as they had an extra ticket.  It was a Christmas Miracle.  I jumped at the chance and loved it so much.  It is amazing to think that each year you think they just couldn't possibly do better than the year before.  This just may have been my favorite.  Thank you so much Lynette for thinking of me.  It truly was/is the highlight of my season this year.
 So blessed to have such wonderful friends who share their extra tickets. I am truly grateful.
It is such a beautiful and magical place, and the spirit is so strong there.  Loved it.

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