This is the week. Election 2012. Holy Cow, I'm so excited for the mudslinging to end, especially the Mia Love/Jim Matheson campaign. And, I can't even vote on that one. Most importantly what will happen with the President on Tuesday. I have purposely not put my opinion on Facebook, or my blog to be quite honest because I have several friends who have a different opinion than my own, and that's fine. However, I loved this post from someone. Mitt Romney is a good guy. He could easily sit back and live the rest of his life with his family and wife and be happy, extremely happy. However, he wants what's best for his family and America. Why wouldn't we want a man with integrity to run a country that is headed in a not so great future at the present time. I so hope he wins. I'm sure there are many who don't think he is the best choice, but he is for this race. Please get out and vote, it is for the future of our country and nation. But, to be perfectly honest it scares me to think where we are headed for my children and grandchildren. We all will be watching on Tuesday to see just where it ends. Do your homework and vote for whomever you feel will be best for you, your family, your future family and most of all America. (and besides, let's be honest, he looks like a president already)