Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Just a Mom...

The best part of Mother's Day and having a missionary is the phone call.  Stetson had called the week before to let us know that he would be calling at 8:00 p.m. which I was so excited.  So, at 7:00 when the phone rang, I was surprised that it was him.  I thought he was on the same time as us, but they are an hour ahead, so I am so glad we did not leave and take a gift down to my mom's.  We were so excited to talk to him.  And as you can see, his smile was from ear to ear and he is doing so great.  He told us funny stories and the best of all was how they found their investigator Karla.  How the spirit told him to go and talk to her.  It was wonderful to watch and listen to him.  He beams as he talks and as always his smile was contagious.  But here are the pictures so you can see.  As it is always the same it was so hard when he told me it was time to hang up.  It seems as if someone hits a switch and the tears start to flow.  I try so hard, and yet I know I will not hear his voice until Christmas.  And after I hung up I Google'd it and it is 227 days until that day...oh bother!

 After I hung up, it is always so melancholy.  I have a hard time just realizing that it will be awhile that our family will be all back together again.  Bridger is in Minnesota for the Summer, Stetson is of course serving the 2nd half of his mission and Caleb is feeling quite lonely at home.  He doesn't realize that this is quite bonus in his favor.  He will I think one day.  But, as I sat there I just remember all the many times being asked what I wanted to be when I grow up, or what my desires and dreams were.  And, to be perfectly and completely honest, it was to be:  Just a mom!!!  I really just wanted to have kids and stay home and have fun with them, have a fun house.  I used to tell my Young Women I wanted to be like the Tim the Tool Man Taylor.  I was lucky enough to get the three boys, but I'm not sure I'm near as fun as "Jill" is.  But, I do try.  I love being a mom.  I just didn't think that my boys would ever really grow up.  I certainly didn't want them to.  I heard so many of my friends say I can't wait until they get older and can do this and this, I never said that.  I never wished it away.  This stage in life, is strange.  Not sure I love it.  I'm getting used to it.  I'm thankful I have a few temporary ones that come around once in awhile that remind me of those times.  Life is good.  Not complaining, and I'm looking forward to wonderful times ahead.  But, to be perfectly honest I wouldn't trade a thing.  I love being:  Just a MOM!!! 

Can you blame me???