Thursday, March 20, 2008

Street Legal

Well, it's official. Bridger is a licensed driver. Because of his being so busy after school working and my crazy schedule I let him miss school and we went up to the DMV. He is excited and we took a booklet home so he can read up to get his license for the scooter we purchased. It's hard to believe that he can actually drive, and then I had another scary thought. Stetson could actually get his learner's permit in less than a year. Wow, who would have imagined they could grow up so quickly.

I need to find out how to post pictures, otherwise, it's verbiage only. Someone please help me.


The Schaefermeyer Family! said...

Hey Tam! I still think it's crazy these boys are younger brother too! Adding pictures is easy...when you are creating a post there is a link you click on the upper task bar that says add an on that then just browse to the file you want to add...then add the image!! If you want a demo let me know and I can stop by sometime and show you! Also we find out whether it's a boy or girl April 4th, so I'll call ya!! Love ya!

The Fife's said...

Watch out, especially on a motor scooter!! I am so glad we got to work last night, I am sure going to miss you.

Holly said...

I am so jealous he has a scooter! I want one so bad, but Andy isn't crazy about the idea of putting the twins in the basket while I drive around. Looks like someone walked you through the picture process above, but seriously if you need any help feel free to come over! I am here... pretty much all the time. :) Love the blog!