Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Dirty Dash

One night when we were all together, my sister mentioned all of us doing what has been called, "The Dirty Dash."  I have heard about it, but not really sure what it was all about.  Well, yesterday I found out.  Me, my nephew Brandon, my sister Kim, nieces Alex & Breann, Alex's friend Annalise and 1000's of others met up at Soldier Hollow in Midway UT to run the DD.  Holy Cow!  We ran through mud puddles? more like lakes, that was about midchest deep, over hay bales, over fences, wagon wheels, uphill, down a huge slip n' slide and more mud.  There wasn't really much that wasn't covered in mud, and then ICE COLD showers.  I think that was the worst part.  I may be too old for this, but sometimes I forget that.  It was so much fun.  We laughed, fell, slipped and ran to the finish.  I'm seriously considering doing it again next year.  By then I'll have forgotten how sore I was by the end.  Good times...

 This is our group before

Midway point, still showing more white than we probably should...

It really was hard, but lots of fun, too.
 Annalise, me & Alex at the finish
Many miles have been walked in these shoes, now they are in the trash.
This was after the shower, too

1 comment:

Tara said...

Tammy, you look fantastic!! I am so proud of you for your weight loss and being able to do the DD! Sheesh-I'd be dead after 100 ft! Looking great, sister! Keep it up!