Sunday, January 15, 2012

Singing in the Rain

Each week I email Bridger a letter and anxiously await hearing from him and seeing what happened during his week as he reads what has happened in ours. I still try to send him a written letter about every 2-3 weeks. These letters are usually little bits of advice or things from his life that brings back memories that I write about that may or may not help him when he receives the matter how long it takes to get him. No time letter, so it doesn't mean anything if it takes a long time to get there. So, today I pulled out a piece of paper and began my letter. I thanked him for taking time to write a letter to his dad. There is nothing that is more exciting than opening the mailbox and finding a letter from Elder Clayton. Bonus mail day in my opinion. So, I told him about that. How excited his dad is when he got that and even more so when he tells his friends and collegues about his son. Then I told him how much I love the picture he sent of him in his rain outfit/coat. As I was writing about it and everytime I think or see the picture I find myself singing the song, "Singing in the Rain" and remembering how happy it makes me as I hear the words in my mind. Today it made me think also about how in life, rain is always going to happen. Our job is to be able to learn how to sing and dance in it. Thank you Elder Clayton for teaching me a such a valuable lesson with such a fun picture.


The Hawleys said...

Thanks for the reminder! It's pouring at my house.

Love and miss you TONS!!!!


p.s. I crossing my fingers that I can come stay with you and go to Swiss Days with you this year!

Heather said...

Hi! Please email me, I have a question for you! :)

HeatherVonsj (at) gmail (dot) com

Stevens said...

I love singing in the rain. What a cute post!!! You almost got a call from me saturday morning when I was having an "all boy house" day and frustrated! Glad it's all worth it someday!