This past week the priests in our ward were able to take a trip back to Nauvoo. This is for certain a once in a lifetime thing and they jumped on the chance. They flew into Chicago, and then rented vans to travel to Nauvoo, Far West, Independence, Liberty, and other church history sites. Bridger loved Chicago, and couldn't believe the beautiful buildings there. They went to Carthage Jail and were able to see the room where Joseph Smith was killed. It was wonderful to hear Bridger tell of the spirit he felt there and also on the temple grounds. As Wayne served his mission in Independence, it was particularily special to go to the Liberty Jail and see the past annuals of visitors and missionaries and Wayne and his companion's picture was there, along with his pass along card. Bridger thought it was neat to be able to go back to where his dad served. This is a trip they will all remember and cherish. I'm so glad Wayne was able to accompany them on their adventure. We have an amazing YM President. Thank you so much for allowing this trip to happen. As a parent this is exactly the type of things you want your kids to feel on their own, mission accomplished.
Also, Wayne baptized a family and has remained in contact with them through the years. The dad passed away a few years ago and so Wayne met up with his son. He had some pictures that I put in a little scrapbook and it was a special experience to witness the fruits of his missionary efforts. He also had a gift that this son's father had given Wayne that he felt needed to go back to the son. Wayne said it was very cool.
I will post more pictures soon as they took 100's. And also of Caleb and Stetson as they went to Bear Lake with their grandparents. It was a wonderful, quiet week at home as I was all by myself. I did miss them terribly and am glad all returned home safe from their adventures.
I loved hearing the priests talk about this yesterday! I hope my boys will get experiences like this...hopefully Wayne will still be in young mens when they're priests!!
Wow, what a fun trip for the youth! Lucky Wayne to be able to go along.
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